Monday, November 9, 2015

Christmas Delayed

You’re probably scratching your head right about now and wondering at the title of this blog.  Christmas delayed?  It's barely into November and we haven't even had Thanksgiving yet!  I totally understand the confusion the title may bring and I'm here to explain.

You see, the Christmas season here at the Wereb household doesn't begin on December 1st.  For us it actually begins on the 1st weekend of October.  ????  I know, I know, you might need a moment to digest this startling news so go ahead, take a deep breath and let it sink in.

There.  Ready now?  Good!

Years ago my hubby asked if we could put the Christmas decorations up in November.  I didn't see the harm in it, so I agreed.   It was great fun and made the house festive, so it wasn't a surprise when he came to me a year later and suggested we put the decorations up on October 31st.   Since we don't really celebrate Halloween I thought it wouldn't be so bad and again, I agreed.   I have to admit though, when he suggested we start decorating the 1st weekend of October I had my doubts.   I mean, that is pretty early, but in the end how could I resist his pleading and I caved in, much to his delight.   And it's been this way ever since.

Except this year.  And I gotta admit, I'm kinda sad.  If you read last week’s blog you'll understand.  You see, due to our ‘double move’ our Christmas has been delayed by a whole 2 months!

The apartment looks empty without the tree sparkling in the corner.  I miss the handmade Christmas village my grandmother worked so hard on and the quaint little ceramic Nativity scene my mother gave me.   I miss the beautiful handcrafted tree skirt my other mother created for us when we were newly married and I miss the memories our many ornaments whisper to me from their perch among the branches.

Of course I know that the reason behind the season is what's important, and having a relationship with Jesus means that every single day of the year is a gift to be opened and shared, but I miss the tangible effect those decorations bring in my life.  Feelings of love, peace, family, and community all wrapped up in tinsel and shiny baubles.  And so, let me be the first one to officially tell you, despite the delay…

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